Kudos To Ford For Helping With 3D Printing During The Coronavirus Crisis

By on April 8th, 2020 in Corporate

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B-24 bombers at Willow Run [Source:  Wikimedia ]

B-24 bombers at Willow Run [Source: Wikimedia]

Charles Goulding of R&D Tax Savers discusses Ford’s historical and current manufacturing efforts to aid in necessary production.

During World War II, Ford converted to aircraft bomber production, which is considered to be one of the most important reasons America and the Allied powers prevailed. By mid-1944, Ford Motor Company’s Willow Run assembly plant in Michigan was producing one B-24 bomber per hour, accounting for half of all B-24’s production for that year. This was an incredible accomplishment that experts didn’t believe was achievable.

Today, Ford is recognized as having the most comprehensive 3D printing expertise of any automaker.

Announced on March 24, 2020, Ford has commenced a multipronged program to aid in the global coronavirus effort. Ford is now working with 3M, GE Healthcare and the UAW to expand and accelerate the production of ventilators, respirators and face masks.

Operators and assemblers assemble medical face shields. Ford Motor Company, in cooperation with the UAW, will assemble more than 100,000 critically needed plastic face shields per week at a Ford manufacturing site to help medical professionals, factory workers and store clerks. [Source: Ford Motor Company]

Operators and assemblers assemble medical face shields. Ford Motor Company, in cooperation with the UAW, will assemble more than 100,000 critically needed plastic face shields per week at a Ford manufacturing site to help medical professionals, factory workers and store clerks. [Source: Ford Motor Company]

In the related press release it was noted that Ford would leverage its deep 3D printing design capability to manufacture components for use in personal protective equipment. In addition, Ford will be utilizing some of its off-the-shelf parts, such as fans from Ford F-150 pickup truck parts, in an effort to speed up the production process.

The Australian government has also called on Ford to assist in expanding ventilator production.

Ford has a long term history of selflessly helping the U.S. and the world during times of crisis. This is a performance that should be acknowledged and appreciated.

By Charles Goulding

Charles Goulding is the Founder and President of R&D Tax Savers, a New York-based firm dedicated to providing clients with quality R&D tax credits available to them. 3D printing carries business implications for companies working in the industry, for which R&D tax credits may be applicable.


  1. Thank you for the article, but I would like to make a slight correction. Although Ford did not use TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) for their bailout, they still took some large loans. Alan Mulally, Chief Executive at the time, mortgaged Ford’s assets to secure $23.6 billion in loans and took another $5.9 billion from the US Energy Department. This $29.5 billion is loans is comparable to GM’s $30.1 billion in loans.

    It was fun reading the article, but it could have done without the somewhat misleading extra information.
    ref: https://www.cnbc.com/id/30134908

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